I have 5 new feral cats under my wing. Contribution towards their food, requested.

Hello, all.  I have 5 new feral cats under my wing.  I would like to raise $15.00, for their food, through the contributions of various donors. For example, 5 contributers, $3.00 each. My paypal link is: paypal.me/MaritzaRivera860

As thanks for your contribution, I will e-mail you pictures of the cats you are helping and updates on how they are doing. Talk about a feel good donation!!

My review of having worked with Uptown Cats Rescue in NYC.

Des Calderon, of Uptown Cats Rescue, used my artful cat rescue photos, without my knowledge or permission, and put “Uptown Cats” on them.  He appropriated my property and my rescue work and is taking credit for both  I am a professional artist and volunteer cat rescuer.  I represent www.165rescue.wordpress.com.  Des did not properly credit my rescue work, calling work that I did, work that “we” did.  He made videos with my photos and he published my emails, all without my knowledge or consent.  I reached out to him regarding the rescue of the black and white cat, called Pepper, on the 167st construction site (those are my photos he used repeatedly for audience impact and for the benefit of his organization) and for the uptenth time, he ranted about how will he pay his morgage and support his wife And save a cat too?  He said that Pepper would be expensive and ‘have I reached out to other organizations’.  He made this sweet angel of a cat, that badly needed help, out to be nothing but a financial burden.  He endlessly complains about his personal finances and makes rescuing cats seem like a cross which is really unprofessional, repulsive, and counter-productive.  It conveys that he is not up for the job.  Per my experience with him, he is a rude, controlling, under-handed, and arrogant man.  He operates covertly with information and/or photos you give him. I told him to properly credit my photos and rescue work or take it down- he refuses to do either.  He also wrote a deliberate lie about me on his FB page to make himself look good.  “The woman gave us misinformation that she was the primary feeder”  is False.  He assumed things I never said, so he is the one with the misinformation.  He’s decided to ignore me.  Something really really disturbing is that he has cut me off from following up on the well-being of, Pepper, the b/w rescue cat from 167th street with the frost bitten nose that I asked for help with.  He will not tell me the status of her health or anything further about rescue plans for the cats at that location.  He has turned other people I coordinated with against me.  I coordinated this rescue.  I told him that cat rescue involves Team Work.  I guess he liked that too because he ripped it from me and used it to describe his “saintly” work to his public, while blocking me at the same time from his FB rescue page.  In reality, he doesn’t respect or understand team work. This man is petty, sly, vindictive, and mean; I will not work with him again.

Ten feral cats need to be relocated

Ten feral cats, most of them black, were suddenly evicted from the only place they call home: a parking garage on 163rd street. Allegedly, the maintenance man suddenly dumped their food supplies and their bowls and tried to get the cats to leave. The right thing to do would be to give the TNR colony caretaker, Laura Martinez, time to find a plan B for these innocent victims. It is freezing cold outside, in NYC, and they are used to the warmth of the garage.  The cats are eating out in the freezing cold. The colony caretaker would like to raise funds ($300) to send the colony to a sanctuary for cats. If you would like to help, please comment or share. If you would like to donate, here is the link: https://www.youcaring.com/helpahomelessferalcatcolonytorelo… Thank you.IMG_20171215_183920

For Immediate Release: Violent Cat Trapper Arrested in Washington Heights


Washington Heights, NY:  Doris Giordano, a violent cat trapper known to work for The Animal Project, which sells cats at Petco, was arrested over the Thanksgiving holiday for assaulting a feral cat colony caretaker during the abduction of a registered colony cat in late August.  The assault took place on August 27, 2017, in the parking lot on 165th street between Broadway and St. Nicholas avenue around 6:30pm.  The colony caretaker, Maritza Rivera, spotted Giordano as she was trapping, Petit, her (Calico) registered colony cat.   Ms. Rivera informed the perpetrator that the cat was a member of a registered colony and, therefore, could not be removed without express permission.  Giordano proceeded to abduct the cat.  When the cat was trapped, Ms. Rivera placed her hand on the trap to stop the abduction and notify the police.  It was at that moment that Giordano attacked Ms. Rivera and violently punched her hands repeatedly.  Giordano wrestled the cage (with the cat inside) from Ms. Rivera.  Once in possession of the cat, she mounted and fastened the trap onto her dolly and walked away saying she had, “a deadline to meet”.  The assault left nail marks and significant swelling on Ms. Rivera’s hands.   An ambulance was called on the scene, but the victim ultimately had to go to the emergency room where her injuries were diagnosed as musculoskeletal in nature.  After checking with sources and ascertaining the extent of Ms. Rivera’s injuries, the police arrested Giordano over the Thanksgiving holidays.  Doris Giordano and Carol Moon, director of The Animal Project, are linked to the unauthorized seizure of multiple cats on 165th street, including the high profile theft of Sophie the Black Cat off of private property back in March.  Sophie’s theft had neighbors in outrage and a petition (https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/free-sophie-the-black-cat) was created for her safe return, in addition to a Facebook page named Free Sophie the Black Cat.  During the confrontation with Giordano, Ms. Rivera asked, “Where is Sophie?” to which Doris replied, “I’m not telling you either.”  Doris Giordano’s arrest is a victory for community cats and for their caretakers.   

About Sophie’s Rescue Mission:  Sophie’s Rescue Mission, https://165rescue.wordpress.com/,  is a volunteer effort that reaches out to feral cats in need.  It’s primary goal is to improve the welfare of cats living on the streets by providing them with food, shelter, and Trap-Neuter-Return services.
